Sunday, November 11, 2018

Solo Parenting

Jacob will be leaving on his mission this Wednesday. I'm excited for him and his new adventures. We will miss him. We're still trying to take care of all the last minute things. I don't look forward to saying good bye when the time comes...and it will.
I've been a little stressed about all the preparations the last couple of days. The other morning I woke up early. I was attempting to get back to sleep. I had a thought come to me about Layne and how great it would be to have him here to help Jacob get be here for me as well. We could do this together. I feel like I'm dealing with all of the preparations and all of the emotions that come with sending a child out into the world by myself. Reality is - I am doing that. I don't just feel like I am. I know there are other single parents that send their kids on a mission. It just feels like one of those times when it's obvious a parent is missing.

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