Tuesday, April 17, 2018

More Than Furniture

I've been trying to get things updated in the house. They have been needed for awhile. I'll be grateful when everything is done. I'm aware that with a house and yard there will always be something to do. I'm making that statement specifically about the list of current projects. I'm thankful that the last little while I've been able to think more clearly and make decisions a little better. I think most of the widow's fog is gone - maybe. It might be a little like when I was pregnant and the kids were little - people would joke about losing brain cells with every pregnancy. Maybe there's something similar when it comes to being a widow.
I really starting writing this because yesterday I received an email from the service missionaries in our ward. Well, they're not members of our ward - they're serving in our ward - helping with some of the temporal and fellowshipping needs that are in our ward. They reached out asking if there was furniture I could use. I told them yes and it was delivered last night. There was a desk/chair and a chest of drawers. I thought to put them in my room. Although, when the girls saw the desk and sat in the chair...they got excited about having those things in their room. I actually like the idea - so, we're going to go with it. They are thrilled to have somewhere to sit besides their beds or the floor. One of the current projects is to update my bedroom a little bit. It's more of a purge, paint, move the furniture, and get new blinds kind of project. The only money spent was going to be paint and the blinds. I felt as if someone was telling me that it's okay to have something new (to me) in my room as well. That it was okay to have a chest of drawers that was something different than what we picked up pre-estate sale from one of Layne's coworkers and had used since we first got married. What I have now would still have been able to function. It's just that it'll be nice to have something new - a new look, I guess. For some reason this time it felt like someone was looking out for me...giving me something that I wasn't expecting...just because. I think Layne might have had something to do with it.  At least I like to think so.

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