Friday, January 12, 2018

Social Media Reminders

I occasionally have a hard time when I see others posting (on social media) about their significant others. I understand wanting to share that it's your anniversary, or their birthday, or that they helped you out in a huge way. Most of the time...I'm fine. I'm happy for them and grateful they have positive things to share. I'm even thankful friends and family have someone amazing in their lives. It's just that some's hard. Sometimes I feel a little jealous. (Maybe. It might be another word I'm needing.) Or maybe it's a reminder that my husband isn't here. It might trigger a memory of a time that Layne was a huge help. Or at times it makes me think about how I'm on my own. It's just another reminder that I'm single and don't have someone to celebrate with, for, or because of...

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