Saturday, March 24, 2018

Marking Time

Two days ago marked Layne being gone for two and a half years. It seems odd to think it's been that long. I'm not sure what I've actually accomplished since then.:} I'm sure there's something. I don't like being alone - but, I'm getting used to it. The kids and I like to think we have routines that keep us afloat. I'm grateful we've been able to manage sticking together. My experience would be so much different if the kids were out of the house. That will come in time, I'm sure. I'm not sure what the next two and a half years will bring. I guess we'll just take it one day at a time.

Managing Alone

I realized this past week that I am getting used to not having Layne around. I don't consider getting his thoughts on a decision being made. There are times I wish he were here. I miss him. At the same time life continues to move forward...or at the very least time marches forward. The general idea that I was thinking about was that when it comes to logistics - I'm getting used to managing them on my own. I'm getting used to going places by myself. I'm getting used to being the one to make the decisions and take action on them. I'm not going to profess that I do a very good job. I just know that I do the job without Layne here. There are times when I know he's helping. The kids have mostly adjusted to him being gone. We all still remember and talk about him whenever the topic happens to come up. We've just created schedules around the fact that he's not here to join us. I liked it better when he was here to help with decisions. I don't feel like that's my strong point in the first place. C'est la vie.