Thursday, July 5, 2018

Sprinkler Key

I went to turn on the outside water today. (I know. It's July. It should have already been done. No judging.) The sprinkler key is metal and almost as tall as I am. The knob it needs to connect with is a couple of feet under least. It's always been tricky. I have never turned the knob myself. I have watched Layne do it and I have watched my oldest son be successful with it. Each time it takes multiple tries. The knob is at an odd angle and it's difficult to know where it is...even with a flashlight. I tried several times - thought maybe I had it and then attempted to turn on the sprinklers. Nope. Didn't work. I went to try again. I truly want to be able to do this by myself. It's probable that the two strongest people in this household will have moved out before another year rolls around. It's a task that needs to be done annually (twice actually...because 'someone' has to turn it off in the fall). I feel like I need to make sure I know what I'm doing and am able to accomplish the task on my own. I finally decided to get a flashlight. If I could just know I was connecting with the gold object down there it would be great.🙂 It's such a science.😉 I tried a few more times. I continued to use the flashlight to guide me. I thought about the light of Christ and how it can truly help us in our lives. I thought of the Holy Ghost and using that influence as a guide. After doing what I could and not having any success...I turned my thoughts to how sometimes we just need to ask for help. I wasn't able to keep the key on the knob long enough to get the torque I needed. I have watched someone stronger than me be able to succeed...eventually...with this task. Obviously because the task isn't finished be continued...

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