Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Marking Time

I've been thinking about how to mark the passing time. I might do it like I did when the kids were born. Count the days, then weeks, months, and years. As of the 22nd, it has been 18 months. I'm not counting days or weeks anymore. I think once I get to two years...I'll think of it in years and add the half as appropriate. At some point, I might just say the years just like I do with my kids now. Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see. So many details.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Baby Steps

I'm finding myself at a place where I'm remembering Layne more than I'm missing him. That might sound a little harsh. I'm not saying I don't miss him. I'm saying when I do think about him - I'm at a place where I can think of him fondly...remember good things...all of that - without become a weeping mess. I'm not quite as emotional about it most of the time. I still cry for seemingly no reason and out of the blue - but, more often I'm able to just remember. I think that's a good thing.